1 Day and 2 Day Class Options
8 hours in length.
Closed book, in-person, proctored exam is included within the 8 hour time requirement.
1 ten minute break is permitted per hour. Meal breaks, etc. are not included within the 8 hour course.
1 Day
2 sessions must consist of at least 6 hours of in-person, including an in person exam.
Written homework must be assigned as necessary, so that the total course time equals at least 8 hours.
No more than 1 ten minute break is permitted per hour. Meal breaks, etc. are not included within the 6 hours of in-person instruction.
2 Day
One and Two Day Classes
- Read More
AH Senior Center, 3 Simon Lake Drive, Atlantic Highlands, 1 Day Class, Exam given during class
100 US dollars - 110 US dollars
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Beach Haven Fire Company, Corner of S Bay Ave & Amber St , 1 Day Class, Exam given during class
100 US dollars - 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- Read More
Osbornville Baptist Church, 366 Drum Point Road, 1 Day Class, Exam given during class
100 US dollars - Read More
In person exam2 Day Class, Exam is given during the class period for completed online class
110 US dollars - 110 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- Read More
Lawrence Twp Police Dept, 2211 Lawrenceville Rd, 1 Day Class, Exam is given during the class
100 US dollars - 100 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- Read More
Mt. Arlington FD, 405 Howard Blvd, 1 Day Class, Exam is given during the class period
100 US dollars - 100 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- Read More
MCPSTA, 500 West Hanover Ave, 1 Day Class, Exam given during class period
100 US dollars - 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- Read More
Toms River Elks, 600 Washington St, 1 Day Class, Exam given during class period
100 US dollars - 100 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 50 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 110 US dollars
- 100 US dollars